With over 50 years of experience helping millions of students see the world, EF’s safety and support network is committed to ensuring that UT Austin students are able to get the most out of their experiences in Korea in a safe learning environment. EF Study Abroad fully embraces and is committed to the NAFSA and Forum on Education Abroad recommended responsible practices in support of student health, safety and security
EF will work with you to choose the most preferred student accommodation. These bookings will be confirmed closer to departure. Regardless of specific property, all EF accommodation options and locations will carry the same criteria, including having all UT Austin students together in the same facility, located near public transportation, with access to private bathrooms.
EF will work with you to ensure that students have as much as possible covered in the overall price being paid. Below is the current plan to how we can include meals and transportation, however we will continue to work locally in Seoul to find solutions that will work best for your goals and budgets for the students.